Friday, October 11, 2013

Finding my last sources for my bibliography

I started researching to see if I can find my last sources. I have been reading many different books about Spain, the U.S. gaining access to the Caribbean island of PR, and the history of Europe and Spain during the 1800's. It's alot of information to pick and choose from. I have started doing the first steps of my annotated bibliography and I've so far experienced that the citing is actually easier than writing my short summary. I had a feeling that writing the short summaries would be difficult for me because I tend to write LONG summaries!!

1 comment:

  1. Marisela,
    I know this is going to sound weird, but, I'm glad you are finding it challenging to do the short summaries!! This way, I know you are actually doing the work.In fact, in the process, you are forced to analyze the source itself, which will only help you later and make your life easier when you begin writing your research essay! Keep up the good work!
